Ciro Spedaliere from Claris Ventures in the Life Science Panel of Aifi VentureUp Forum 2020

Ciro Spedaliere, Partner of Claris Ventures, will be in the panel “Life Sciences: new frontiers and technologies” of annual event VentureUp Forum by AIFI, the Italian association of private equity and venture capital.
The panel will be moderated by Giancarlo Rocchietti, chairman of Club degli Investitori, and the speakers will be:
- Claudio Giuliano (Founder e Managing Partner Innogest SGR)
- Ciro Spedaliere (Managing Partner Claris Ventures SGR)
- Federica Draghi (Board Member Italian Angels for Biotech)
- Lucia Faccio (Partner Sofinnova Telethon Fund)
- Matteo Bonfanti (Director – Technology Transfer Directorate IIT)
- Tiziana Ciracò (Direttore Amministrativo Fondazione Telethon
e Amministratore Delegato InnovaVector)
The event will be held at OGR in Turin, on February 17, 2020.
Registration at this link