Claris Ventures special guest at 39° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia (SIF)

The 39° National Congress of the Italian Pharmacology Society will be held in Florence from November 20th to 23rd. Claris Ventures will be a guest of the Symposium “Innovation Flow and the players for translational research“.
Chairpersons: Giuseppe Caruso (Rome), Giorgio Racagni (Milan)
15.30 From bench to bed: new sustainable multistakeholder models for drug development – Maria Pia Abbracchio (Milan)
15.50 InnovationFlow: a challenge for researchers – Gianni Sava (Trieste)
16.05 The point of view of pharmaceutical industry – Marcella Origgi (Cologno Monzese), Luca Romagnoli (Cologno Monzese)
16.20 The business nursery in life science: managing innovation in the very early stage – Fabio Bianco (Bresso)
16.35 The point of view of Venture Capitalist – Pietro Puglisi (Turin)